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The Road to Avalon (Onyx)

(zum Vergrößern bitte anklicken)
Einstelldatum: 02.04.2013
Autor: Joan Wolf
Medium: Paperback
Zahl der Medien: 1
Verlag: Onyx
Jahr: 1989
Seitenzahl: 0
ISBN: 0451401387
EAN: 9780451401380
Sprache(n): Englisch
Angeboten für 1 Token Mehrfachtausch: 3:1
Zustellquote 100%
(PLZ: 25336)
Versand, Selbstabholer
627 Besucher
4 - Brauchbar
Kommt aus einem Raucherhaushalt

Kanten bestoßen, Leseknicke, vergilbt


The pageantry and passionate intrigues of King Arthur’s court are expertly re-created in this historical novel—the only Arthurian novel in which all of the central characters are portrayed as intrinsically good people. This realistic retelling of the legend shows Arthur severing the bonds of bastardy, vanquishing the Saxons, and loving one woman. As the daring teenage warrior prepares for the throne, he discovers true love with Morgan of Avalon, the youngest of Merlin’s daughters, but fate cruelly thwarts their hopes for a future together. Never before has a telling of the Arthur story made the breathtaking drama of this charismatic king more real or moving.

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